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Some flat facts: Mr Bivoj was born Feb 17, 2005 in Oxford JR Hospital and registered under name Filip Dolejsi. The weight was 3.7kg and length (few days after the birth) was 51cm.

Something is not right? Are you feeling lost? See if you can find the answer in the Frequently Asked Questions.

FAQ: What does "Bivoj" mean?
Bivoj (read "bevoy") is a character from an old Czech legend. Legend says that a princess Kazi came to visit Vysehrad (a castle - one of the dominants of Prague) and in the gardens they heard a lot of buzz. They looked and saw a large wild-boar causing a lot of damage and threatening people. Sudenly a brave young man called Bivoj single headedly caught the pig and alive carried him on his own back which chose his incredible strength. Then the pig was killed and the princess Kazi chose the simple poor man for her husband.
See an excelent
illustration I found on the web - courtesy of Socrates program. Read more here.

FAQ: Why the h*** "Bivoj"?
Well, do not ask me. Ask our crazy friends who nominated ~25 names (one per letter in the alphabet) and then spontaneously elected Bivoj. There is nothing better than having friends who want to help you ;-)) No I'm kidding. As some of you may know, we asked everybody to help with the choice of the name. But as one of my colegues told me: never argue with a pregnant woman about the name!

FAQ: Bivoj or Filip?
Fair question. I am still a bit hazy about it myself. So far the birth certificat says "Filip". And of course his mother calls him by this name. But that's it.

FAQ: Why do the pictures go so far in what are they showing?
As most of my friends did not have the chance of having kids, this is to reinforce their contraception habits. This is for your own good, pals!
Yeah, this web site was aimed to describe the whole deal AS IT IS! Everybody always has picture of the baby when it is either screaming on the cold scales or wrapped to chin and sleeping. I find that boring.
On the other hand, we did shoot more pictures, which we only keep for ourselves and so that I can show them to Jarka when she says she wants another child.

Hit count since 21-Feb-2005: