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Going home!
Odvoz domu
This is a breast feeding mother after a sleepless night. If you have a chance to have a room for yourself in the hospital, tak it. 4 babies in the same room can through a chain reaction make your night very difficult. Thanks go to Diana and Amit for showing us how to use the baby carrier as a car seat and expecially for driving us home. And helping up the stairs. Everybody else give hand with carrying our bags.
19 Unora 2005
Druhou noc v nemocnici uz Jarka prodelala tak spatne, ze se rozhodla jit domu. Dalsi dva novorozenci se stridali v kriku az do dvou do rana, kdy se k nim pridal i Bivoj. Pak jsme meli odpoledne hodne navstev, ktere jsme obratne zneuzili k odnaseni veci a k odvozu Bivojovy rodiny domu. Ten indicky vypadajici pan je Amit, muj sef. Ta hezka pani je jeho zena.
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The First Bath
Bude mit rad vodu?
So we have given him his first bath. Sylvain was taking pictures while we were practicing what we had learned earlier that day on the course. He was screaming like ... like something what screams a lot, but when dried and wrapped again, he was sleaping like ... like me.
Sylvain, thank you for the hard work with the pictures, but remaind me next time, to give you a quick course of Nikon out-focus ;-)).
18 Unora 2005
Bivoj byl uspesne vykoupan. Rval jak tur, ale po vykoupani okamzite usnul jak drevo. chudak mel ze zadu na hlave vlasy slepene jeste krvi.
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The First Day!
Probuzeni do prvniho dne
Not that you get more sleep after the baby is born. I had terrible thoughts all night only had some good sleep in the morning, but then people started calling and congratulating. It's fun!
Day 1 included a first nappy change, but do not worry, I did not photographed that.
Look at the faces. We keep arguing with Jarka who does he look like. Anybody wants to guess?
18 Unora 2005
Jarka ani ja sme se moc nevyspali ani po porodu. Ja mel hruzne predstavy a horrorove vzpominky na predchazejici vecer, a Jarka taky byla emocionalne z toho vseho tak vydesena. Prvni den bylo na programu instruktaz o koupani a kojeni, pak prvni vymena plenky a jeste chystame koupel, nez zacnou prichazet navstevy.
Tak kterepak babicce je Bivoj nejvice podobny?
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